Ellen F. Arnold, Senior Lecturer at Ohio State University (USA), will discuss her book Medieval Riverscapes: Environment and Memory in Northwest Europe, c.300-1100 (Cambridge University Press, 2024) in the Greenhouse environmental humanities book talk series on Monday, 3 June 2024, at 16:00 in Norway (10:00 Eastern).

Zoom link: https://stavanger.zoom.us/j/66672015492?pwd=M2NaNHNNYUZLQXZYUlZzT28wbWczZz09

Fishermen, monks, saints, and dragons met in medieval riverscapes; their interactions reveal a rich and complex world. Using religious narrative sources to evaluate the environmental mentalities of medieval communities, Ellen F. Arnold explores the cultural meanings applied to rivers over a broad span of time, ca. 300-1100 CE. Hagiographical material, poetry, charters, chronicles, and historiographical works are explored to examine the medieval environmental imaginations about rivers, and how storytelling and memory are connected to lived experiences in riverscapes. She argues that rivers provided unique opportunities for medieval communities to understand and respond to ecological and socio-cultural transformations, and to connect their ideas about the shared religious past to hopes about the future.

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