Launch of ‘The Beaver’s Journey’ digital Europeana exhibition

digital exhibition titled The Beaver’s Journey: From Disappearance to Recovery has been launched on the cultural heritage platform Europeana by the ‘Beyond Dodos and Dinosaurs’ project. This is the first Europeana exhibit curated by a Norwegian-based team. The exhibition is available in both English and Swedish.

The exhibition chronicles the history of the reintroduction of beavers in Scandinavia in the early 1900s. 2021 marks the 100-year anniversary of the first time beavers were caught in Norway to be set out in Sweden where they had become extinct.

See the press releases in English or Norwegian.

Two news articles feature emotions and extinction

PI Dolly Jørgensen’s research on the emotions tied to extinction and attempts to bring back species like the beaver was featured in two articles published in September 2019.

These appeared in Tidningen Curie, the blog of the Swedish Research Council (VR) and the website for the national Research Days (Forskningsdagene) run by the Norwegian Research Council (NFR):

Beaver fever!

The local Åmli newspaper, ÅmliAvisa, has excitedly shared the news about the funding of through the “Beyond Dodos and Dinosaurs” and “Extinction as Cultural Heritage?” projects.Elvarheim museum will host an exhibit, “The Beaver’s Journey” on the capture of beavers in Åmli in 1921 that were reintroduced for the first time in Sweden in 1922. Åmli’s town shield features a beaver, so they take great pride in having the animal in the area.

Read all the articles from June to August 2018 here in Norwegian: Åmli_2018-06_2018-08


